Sunday, 3 October 2010

And Now, Movie Reviews!

Those of you who know me well know that I love movies. Love to watch them, love to love them and hate them. I will watch almost anything, and if I love it, I will watch it more than once with glee!

So, I’ve decided, even if you don’t care, I will give you my opinion of some films that I’ve watched. Some will be high-brow, intelligent, Cannes selections, some will be honourees at the Toronto Film Festival, or even Sundance.

But most, my friends – I will review purely for entertainment value. After all, I am not Siskel, Ebert, Reed or even Jay Stone. But who are we kidding anyway?

Movie reviews are nothing but subjective opinion.

And I can be as opinionated as anyone else.

My first review coming up?   FROZEN. . . watching now. . .