Understand that I don’t really believe all this hooey – I believe I have a destiny and that God has a plan. But who’s to say He doesn’t speak through this kind of thing sometimes? This one is pretty positive – and I want all my days to be like this! Who’s with me?
The Devil
The Sun
The Wheel of Fortune
Today | This Week
The rays of the Sun and the Devil's flames are bringing plenty of heat your way today, dear Joyce. There's passion in the air. It's a time of intense feelings, passionate declarations, and tender and sensual encounters. There's not a cloud in the sky to darken these moments of love and intimacy that you'll be sharing with your loved ones. So enjoy it while you can! In your working life, your lively spirit and charisma prove to be infallible weapons as you march along the road to success. There's no stopping you with the Sun and the Wheel of Fortune on your side! You've got an answer to everything, you take an interest in everything and take effective action in every area that has an impact on your work, directly or indirectly. So it's the ideal moment to go for that pay rise or promotion. Go for it!