So Peter doesn't like country music much. Even though he tolerated it while we dated, once he had me hooked the country -ick- came out.
He writes for our local paper, as I do. He gets paid, I don't. Ironically, my column is more popular than all of his stories, but it's because he has to write news and I get to write whatever I like, as long as I can possibly make people laugh and forget about the icky news stuff that is generally depressing.
Besides, pointless stories are my thing.
So Peter has to write a story about the upcoming Riverside Jam, our annual country music festival. He's writing the news part of it, details, facts, etc.
Then the editor of our paper asks if he wants to be the key media person for the whole festival. One of the organizers will send all-access passes if he will do it.
Me: "All access! SWEET!"
Him: "Yeah, but I don't know if I want to cover the whole festival. All that country music might kill me."
Me: "I'll cover it then." I wasn't really serious. I don't have journalism experience.
Him: "You would?"
Me: (A little more excited now, if that's possible) "Do you think Dianne would let me?"
Him: "Call her and ask her."
Me: OMG, OMG, OMG - nervously dialling - calling our editor.
Dianne: "Really? You want to do it? I'm having trouble finding coverage for the event. You'd really cover the whole thing, write all the stories and take pictures?"
(You can't hear me because my excitement has taken my voice to a level only dogs can hear. I said yes.)
Dianne: "You just made my day, Joyce."
Me: "Can I call the promoters and tell them I'm their girl?"
Dianne and Peter: "Sure, go ahead."
I call the promoters and tell them who I am. They know me from my column and are happy to send ALL ACCESS passes, as well as a nice 8x10 photo of one of the performers.
I asked where I would be allowed and if I could talk to any of the performers.
Get this. . . I get to INTERVIEW all of them! I get to interview Lorrie Morgan and Mark Chesutt! Can you believe it?!!!!
17 days and counting. My first feature story. But even better, I get to write it my style, and I get to have ALL ACCESS.
Did I mention who I get to interview?!
Click here for info about the Jam. Here for Lorrie Morgan. Here for Mark Chesnutt.