So, what percentage of the population can actually say it made and kept a resolution in any New Year? And of those who could say "I have," how many are telling the truth?
I know there are a few of you that are quite successful in your personal goals, and I really want to be like you when I grow up. But since I think most of us already-flawed humans are giving up on making any resolutions at all, I'd like to offer another alternative to the New Year's oath (and I mean the honour type of oath, not the oath that comes after you break your resolution).
Resolve to do nothing. It's just too much pressure. Instead, just do something. It doesn't have to be May-jah as Mrs. Beckham says. Maybe you can start by changing one room in your house to the environmentally friendly light bulbs. That's not a resolution at all. It's something that should have been done ages ago, and it's easy to accomplish.
Pat yourself on the back, you just did something, and you didn’t have to think about a ‘resolution’ to do it.
I’m sure you can figure out other little somethings you can do. Keep patting yourself on the back – all those little somethings really do make a difference, and you’ve become a better person because of it.
However, if you are a traditionalist and prefer to go kicking and screaming into the next year while trying your best to keep your resolutions, I have come up with some fool-proof ways to keep even your toughest resolutions.
The top resolutions usually include promises such as losing weight, exercising more, , enjoying life more, being kinder, etc.
Losing weight: Drop weight in these easy ways: Get rid of that one person in your life that never makes you smile and makes you feel bad about yourself. See? Instant weight loss. Set a mouse trap or six – there’s a couple of pounds right there. Clean out your refrigerator. Any item that has started decorating its walls in green should be kicked out, eliminating a few pounds in expired condiments and science experiments. Recycle your old magazines. You’ll feel pounds lighter in a matter of seconds, and look at that – you kept your resolution.
Exercising more: Turn up the music and dance while you cook dinner (always in all-ways, dance like nobody is watching). Chase your dog, go outside in slippery shoes, move the refrigerator to the farthest reaches of your yard. Burn your remote controls. It may not be the gym, (which your probably already have a membership to that you aren’t using), but you’ll burn lots of calories in the extra steps you take each day. And aren’t the experts always telling us to just walk more?
Enjoying life: Tell your boss no, you can’t work overtime. Go ahead and laugh when your teenager’s ridiculous behaviour makes you want to scream. Get sucked into a reality television show (nobody will tell). Don’t be afraid of the juvenile parts of your sense of humour. Laughter makes your life better, and you’ll enjoy it more. This in turn, will make you a kinder person who can’t help but enjoy life more. See? Resolution kept.
Even if these are unconventional methods, still. . . you did something.