Sunday, 1 April 2007

Six Degrees of ‘Hey, I Know You!’

I don’t know how many of you have heard that phrase, ‘Six degrees of Kevin Bacon’. Nobody? Okay, so I will explain:- The game is based on a variation of the concept of the ‘small world’ phenomenon and states that any actor can be linked, through their film roles, to Kevin Bacon.
I’ve figured out that you can connect yourself to almost anyone this way, and not through Kevin Bacon, although he can be used as a handy link if you need him.

Here’s an example on how to play. Let’s start with a really fantastical example – but know that these connections really exist.

A girl I’ve known for most of my life once dated a guy that was Jodie Foster’s best friend. Yes the Jodie Foster. So, by the rules of the game, I know Jodie Foster through my connection to my pal Wendy. Even better? Jodie Foster starred with Matthew McConnaughey in Contact. Happily married though I am, I am so close to Yummy McConnaughey that I might actually start packing my bags. I’m sure Peter will understand.

How about another one on the Canadian side? In Vancouver a couple of years ago the former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien was at the Pan Pacific where Peter was covering an environmental conference. I was sitting in the bar when Mr. Chretien walked in with his lone bodyguard. I jumped up and introduced myself. He quizzed me (assuming I was a dumb American who would have no clue who he was) and once I passed his interrogation he took a picture with me.

That’s ONE degree. I know Jean.

Mr. Chretien, although he has his own brand of colourful history I can probably connect to, is not quite as interesting for me as connecting myself to the infamous George Dubbya Jr., and all the wolrd leaders he's connected to. So, by two or three degrees at the most, I am connected to Hussein, Blair, the oil sheiks, Schwarzenegger – you name it. And by connecting ol’ Governor Arnie, well, I know just about everyone in Holly wood now. Does that mean I get to share the Oscars? Or better yet, the swag form the Oscars? Whose turn is it to buy lunch?

Get it? I‘ve just realized that Peter will be happy with this arrangement. I’ve just managed to connect him to Renee Russo, through Arnie and that lovely movie ‘Junior’, circa 1994. Of course, Peter won’t be happy until he can figure out how to connect himself to a few great soccer players or something, and I’m absolutely no help.

I think I’m finding that somehow, all of us are connected through degrees of who we know and who they know. It’s freaky, but it’s real. This really is a small world. And seriously, whose turn is it to buy lunch?

Go ahead. Play. You know you want to. Start name dropping with your kids. They will be secretly impressed although they’ll never admit it to you.