Thursday, 21 December 2006

My Twelve Days of Sickness (Sung loosely to the tune of 12 Days of Christmas)

May be sung very loosely to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: A lovely kiss that came packaged with a sneaky head cold.

On the second day of Christmas my calendar gave to me: A meeting where I wasn’t needed, but I didn’t find out until I got there, stuffing tissue up my nose, while I quietly spread my plague, through the accoutrements of this common head cold.

On the third day of Christmas my meeting gave to me: More work than I needed, putting me way behind in my holiday shopping, while I still cough, sneeze and feel terrible, I wish I felt like doing something , anything…if only I didn’t have this head cold.

On the fourth day of Christmas my shopping gave to me: Only enough energy to shop online for all, after I try in vain to finish all my work, I’m feeling a bit feverish, the monitor is blurring before me, if I only could stop sneezing, I really hate all this coughing, I’m going to swear off
kissing, because that’s how I got this lousy head cold.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my online adventures gave to me: a mass of confirmation emails that send my inbox over quota, an alarmed call from the credit card company, a headache from all this coughing, oh boy I finished one project out of twenty, and I just can’t seem to kick this head cold.

On the sixth day of Christmas my fever haze gave to me: A load of Christmas gifts on my doorstep (didn’t I ship those elsewhere?), the stack of work that just keeps growing, if only I could have a little nap, I feel like I’m slowly dying, all from this irritating head cold.

On the seventh day of Christmas my creditors gave to me: The option for more credit, in case there was more holiday shopping, spam from online stores I’ve never heard of, a phone call from our holiday pet-sitter, saying they can’t pet-sit, the cold vacating my head for my lungs, another headache from coughing, sigh…I’d feel so much better if I could just kick this cough from the lousy head cold.

On the eighth day of Christmas my cough has given me: Sleepless nights that send me to the ER where I snagged some dopey cough syrup, oh great I have bronchitis, the pharmacy charges forty dollars for a tiny bottle of medical miracle, but I went home and drank it anyway, only to find it didn't work, now how am I supposed to sleep, I'm tired of the couch, and all this from that annoying head cold?

The ninth through the twelfth days of Christmas are a fuzzy haze: the details are a little sketchy, it’s all because of the cough syrup that started with a kiss and that led to a lousy head cold, and yet I'm still coughing, nothing seems to work, I'm still spending time on the couch, now I've got an inhaler, I wish it would all go away, I'm feeling really sorry for myself, uh oh Peter's coming for a kiss, and I'm afraid he'll give me another head cold.